Wednesday, April 14, 2010

If music be the food of love.... Play on

Ok my dears, as most of you know, I love, love, love my dancing, so finding a good band, DJ, digiree doo player is crucial for the wedding, which is probably why I have been so petrified to even begin looking for a musician. 
At the moment, I'm thinking band, more than DJ -- because a bad DJ?  Soooo much worse than a bad band, but a good DJ does not surpass a good band.  If you want to make a case for a DJ, please, please do so.
BUT, for now, I am piggybacking off the research my mom has done for the Strawberry Festival, in addition to looking at a band that has played BOW before and gotten good word of mouth. 
So here are the bands currently under consideration.  Click the links, take a listen and please, please, please weigh in with your thoughts, ideas, suggestions, anything!!

The Woodshedders: jazz, bluegrass, swing fusion.  Question: do the songs sound too similar?

John Luskey Band: Awesome country singer who does original songs and covers as well.  Question: too country?

Magick Kat: Bluegrassy, tuneful music -- apparently really engaging live, play covers, and would be okay with mixing them and an IPod for some breaks

Advice, please!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hmm . . . I really like them all and would actually listen to all three on my own. They're making me smile. I like Magick Kat the best, but I think I conversely like them least as a wedding band. I'm kind of torn between the other two for best dancing music.

    I also like the idea of mixing an iPod with a band if the one you select is open to it. I mean, it's either that or you have to insist they learn to play "Man, I Feel Like a Woman."

    It's too bad we can't get Rainmarket to reunite for you. *Sigh.*
