Tuesday, December 15, 2009

And so it begins...

Not that I didn't know it was coming at some point, of course. But it's always a surprise in its own way. To be tired and stressed out after a long move into your first home; to be satiated and stuffed full of the decadent dinner your boyfriend just arranged for your third anniversary; to be limping on a sodden foot after stepping hard onto a pile of leaves and finding them to be floating on four inches of water; and then to turn around after finding the tiny bottle of champagne your boyfriend has planted in the very back if the refrigerator, and find him kneeling before you an asking you to be his wife. I won't lie. I cried.

I cried and laughed and walked around in a joyful haze for about a week, and then it hit me. October. Ten months away. Seriously?

According to the wedding planners, I'm already late. According to popular culture, I need to have a theme, and a grand concept, and a sense of this day as somehow mine. And according to various TV shows, I'm going to become a raging witch and lose my mind.

But to all that, I give an emphatic shrug of my shoulders. Instead, I plan to keep my sanity, design a day that is about us and our friends and our families just celebrating and having a wonderful time, and do it all in ten months.

And this blog is a big part of that -- my online binder of ideas that I can share with everyone and get their ideas and thoughts -- because lord knows I love feedback!

So here we go, kids! Let the brainstorming and inspiration begin!

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